voices of 74: conclusion 2/2

This final set of testimonies brings together our interviewees’ concluding thoughts on how they would summarise their recollections and understanding of the 1974 strike. 

Each was given 30 seconds, and the diversity of responses underscores the multiperspectivity that characterises the memories of this crucial period and perhaps the conflict more generally. 

It was a period of huge tension which did enormous damage in terms of the relationship between the unionist and nationalist community. But I think unionists were right to look at the Council of Ireland and the executive powers attached to it and say that that was a bridge too far for them. So the lesson is if you're going to have a political resolution that sticks, you've got to understand both sides, accommodate both sides and show a bit of flexibility.
Mike Nesbitt

Mike Nesbitt

'It confirmed at that point where the power was...as member of the Catholic community...it completely confirmed that there really was no give whatsoever.'
Geraldine Kane

Geraldine Kane