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Cuckoo Cuculus Canorus

Cuckoo Cuculus Canorus

The cuckoo arrives in Ireland from its African wintering grounds in mid-April. The male bird’s distinctive ‘cuck-oo’ call is often heard, but the birds are rarely seen.

Since the early 1980s, cuckoo numbers have dropped by 65%. Loss of habitat in both Ireland and Africa poses a major threat to the birds, as well as the loss of habitat for the host birds in whose nests the Cuckoo lays its eggs. Climate change also plays a role - such as Summer droughts in Spain, which reduce the insect populations which the Cuckoo feeds on during its migratory flight, and changing temperatures which may influence when host birds lay their eggs.

Our environment is made up of systems which span vast distances, regardless of national borders. Our thinking much be equally global, if we are to effectively combat climate change.

Cuckoo wideshot